Editorial Process

Welcome to FPVCraft’s Editorial Process webpage. Here, you will find everything you need to know about our editorial workflow and how we write, edit, fact-check, and publish our articles.

At the time of writing this editorial process page, there’s only one single writer in charge of everything, Gabriel Mihalcea, who is also the author behind FPVCraft.

The writing process and selecting the topics to write undergoes a vigorous procedure in order to write for people interested in FPV topics with the user experience in mind rather than for Search Engines.

1 – Choosing a Topic

The topic “we” chose (we, I, myself) to write has to meet a few checkpoints in order to ensure the article is bringing value to the reader, the reader will find their answer, and the audience will find it on this website only the type of content related to the niche.

Choosing a topic will go as follows:

  • The article has to be in the FPV Drones or Drones niche. More than 90% of the articles written on FPVCraft are within the FPV Subniche of Drones. Rarely do we choose topics about general drones, but they still relate only to Drones and FPV Drones. No other types of articles are chosen to be written on FPVCraft.
  • The article has to answer a question, usually one that either hasn’t been answered or there is not enough information covered, be a guide within the FPV niche, a review, comparison, or troubleshooting process.
  • The article’s intent has to be within the author’s experience; hence, if we don’t already know or have experience with the topic we choose to write about, we don’t write. It’s as simple as that. Everything written here is based on experience, knowledge, and in-depth research for accuracy.

2 – Researching the Article

When we choose to research an article we have picked to write, we do an in-depth analysis of the existing information JUST to confirm the information we’re about to write is correct and as we know it.

In FPV, oftentimes, there’s mixed information and recommendations related to a subject. We always choose to place the best information in the article with the user intent in mind, recommend as best to our knowledge and experience, and only when we’re confident that the information we gathered relates to what we know, we move forward.

Sometimes, we also connect with other FPV experts to confirm the information we’re about to cover is correct. For example, if we write an article about troubleshooting a spotty D8 protocol connection, we try to connect with more FPV pilots who uses/used to fly their drones on D8. Then, we confirm the troubleshooting process if it’s the same or different, and we put together the information to ensure the best accuracy possible.

Although we would love to provide 100% accuracy with every piece of information we research, we have to mention that this may not always be possible, not only in FPV but in general blogging and learning or teaching systems.

3 – Writing the Article (NO CHATGPT or AI)

After we’re confident the information we researched and have is as accurate as possible, we move to the next step – the writing process.

This is part of a few checklists we always have to consider:

  • The content we write and publish is ALWAYS 100% ORIGINAL CONTENT – WE NEVER COPY INFORMATION OR PARAGRAPHS FROM OTHERS – The borderline would be a simple quote with credits. Nothing more. Please check our declaration of content for more information.
  • We write the article in a draft and move to the next step only after we know we covered all the basics and information the reader is looking for. An article’s length is between a couple of hundred words to a few thousand words, depending on the topic and complexity of the information, and it usually takes between a few hours to even a few days for the most complex articles.
  • We currently do not have other writers or guest writers on FPVCraft.

4 – Editing the Article

When we edit the article, we use Grammarly as a tool to ensure the information is grammatically correct.

We also optimize the article to be easy to read and understand, and we usually keep the same writing style across all the articles on FPVCraft.

This editing process, at the time, is made by Gabriel Mihalcea. We do not currently have an editor, but the information here will be updated when we have one.

Usually, the article is proofread to ensure it also sounds proper to the readers.

The next step in our editorial process is to add media (photos, videos) and related links to other articles or external links where appropriate.

  • All the photographs are original and captured by me. We add logos (FPVCraft) to mark them as intellectual property. Rarely do we license images from elsewhere, but when we do, we mention it. We never use other copyrighted images without the agreement of the photographer.
  • As for videos, we usually embed appropriate YouTube videos. We do not (currently) upload videos directly to the website as it may not be optimized for video playback as YouTube, which can affect the user experience (long loading times, etc.).
  • Although the site is not hosted or mainly targets a US audience, we like to obey US regulations, especially when related to WCAG & ADA, to ensure not only are we compliant but people with disabilities will have an easy way navigating and reading our content. For more information, please check the WCAG & ADA Compliance page.
  • We also interlink information from our articles to other similar or featured articles published on FPVCraft. At times, we also link externally, especially when we recommend a product, mention a person/company, cite someone, or when we give credit. We are not to be held responsible for any destination page intent and their process of collecting information. For more, please check our Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy pages.

6 – Fact-Checking

Our last part before publishing an article is to fast-check it.

  • After all the information is written, edited, and with media/links, we read it several times to ensure it sounds right. We also double-check all the facts we wrote to ensure accuracy.
  • As we do not have a designated fast-checking person behind this process, it is currently done by me, the author behind FPVCraft, Gabriel Mihalcea.
  • Although we always try our best to ensure every single information is accurate, we cannot guarantee that, and we’re not to be held responsible for this.
  • At times, we may contact other FPV experts to fact-check the information from the article. If we do, we mention that the article was fact-checked by “their name.”
  • Also, we’re not to be responsible for how you implement the information shared on FPVCraft. For more information, please check our Safety Warnings and Legal Notice webpage.

7 – Publishing the Article

The last part would be to publish the article after it has met all the requirements we have talked about above. If any of the requirements are not met, the article will be held in draft until we ensure every checkpoint has been ticked.

We do not have specific hours of publishing, nor how many times per week or per month we do it. It’s all random, depending on how much time we have to allocate to writing articles for FPVCraft.

Articles are being updated regularly, but we do not guarantee every article may be up-to-date, although we try our best to do that. After all, it’s a single person with limited time behind a complexly-growing website, at least for now.

Other information

The ads displayed on the website are not hand-picked by us and are automatically displayed as related to the reader. We also do not control much where ads are displayed.

At times, where appropriate, we may add affiliate links where we recommend a product. We always ensure the product we recommend is appropriate, and we do it only with user intent in mind and not monetary focus. For more information about affiliate recommendations, please check our affiliate disclosure page.

When we update our editorial process, we will mention on this page the date when it was updated. As per our guidelines, we do not give any advance notice for modifying this legal webpage.

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